Welcome to the website of Calling Education! After developing a unique vision and model in 2016 and 2017, Calling Academy Stellenbosch opened its doors to 60 Grade 8 learners with four staff members in 2018 in humble facilities. Just over six years later, there are more than 600 learners in our three campuses combined, served by more than 45 staff members – truly a remarkable journey of growth!
Even though the organisation has only been in existence for a few years, some outstanding opportunities have been created for our learners. Learners are encouraged to “make every effort to confirm their callings” in accordance with our school verse 2 Peter 1:10.
We have proven that it is possible to run an independent high school that delivers top-quality education, at a school fee of around R 7 000 per year to reach low-income communities in South Africa. We feel certain that you will be excited by our philosophy as you browse this site.
I would like to encourage interested parents, teachers, learners and supporters to get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you and keep building a Calling Education network that is truly pioneering and influential.
Yours in Calling
Werner Cloete

“Nothing in our day is more needed, more timely and more hope-generating than this initiative.”
“A hugely talented and passionate team has developed a vision and model to provide the highest level of education to their learners.”
“I asked my son what he thought about the school and he said “I like it. We all click, it feels like home”
“Calling Academy is not only about the academics, the sport, the facilities, but really about the brotherhood bonds that we create at school. These bonds will echo throughout eternity!”
“Teaching at Calling makes me feel like I am changing the world for the better! Everyone here is so committed to helping our learners fulfil their dreams and confirm their callings.”
“Calling Academy is not just an educational institution. It is a movement I am privileged to be part of to bring lasting impact in our community.”